IVF Injections – Day 7

Fewer Follicles

We are seven days in and things are beginning to get uncomfortable. I’m not going to say painful because there really hasn’t been too much pain. It is just uncomfortable. Sleeping. Going to the bathroom. Walking. Sitting. I’m beginning to feel this uncomfortable ache in my abdomen.

The ultrasound this morning was pretty basic, but she said that I was progressing well and at my next appointment I should get an estimate for my retrieval! Because of how well things looked, she had me start my Ganirelix injections that day. YAY another injection, but at least it meant that we were getting closer.

I was a little concerned, though, because last ultrasound she had thirteen follicles and this time, she only found nine. I was shocked and panic began setting in. The nurse said it was wasn’t anything to worry about, but I couldn’t understand what was happening. Apparently, she didn’t measure them all and was just getting the sizes of the ones over 10mm. That’s one way to give me a heart attack!


Left Ovary Follicles: 16mm, 17mm, 12mm, 14mm, 10mm

Right Ovary Follicles: 11mm, 11mm, 7mm, 11mm

Estradiol: 757.4

Day 5 – Ultrasound

Business as usual

I had a pretty good idea that the medication was working based on how I was feeling, but   I am glad that I had an appointment today. Knowing that everything was going and going well was very exciting.

No changes to my meds. No changes to my protocols. Everything is business as usual, and I go back in on Day 7.


Results: 12 Follicles

Left Ovary – 11mm, 7mm, 7mm, 7mm, 7mm, 9mm, 13mm

Right Ovary – 8mm, 7mm, 8mm, 6mm, 5mm

Baseline Ultrasound

Starting from zero

When they said I was going to be on a May IVF cycle, I imagined that I would start in the first week of May, but it was May 8th (my sister’s birthday :).

David took off work because I knew I would be nervous and even though I wouldn’t learn anything at the appointment, we both wanted to be there to start this.

They did my blood work first, and day of all days, the nurse couldn’t find my vein the first stick. She apologized profusely, and hopefully we got it out of the way so it won’t happen again (please Lord).

They did a transvaginal ultrasound (which David hadn’t seen done before and was a little surprised to actually see it happening). Since my last one, no cysts had popped up. My doctor had given me birth control to help get rid of my ovarian cysts in the past, so I was pretty sure their wouldn’t be.

The baseline is to make sure that nothing is happening, and she said my ultrasound looked good. As long as my blood work came back that my hormones were what they needed to be, I was there!

She told me that my appointments during my cycle would be about five minutes to be in and out so it will take me longer to get there than it will to be in the office!

That afternoon they got my blood work filled in and updated my flowsheet – my first day of injections is Friday and I was able to stop taking the birth control that day! I had it in my head that they would have me starting sooner, but I’m doing the Follistim/Ganirelix protocol so waiting a few days after stopping my birth control is normal apparently.

I had been prepared to start sooner, but having a few days will be nice. I’ll be able to clean the house one more time and prep a little for having family over for Mother’s Day this weekend.

Another surprise was that I thought I would get a schedule for my IVF cycle when they started my flowsheet just to give me an idea as to when things would be happening throughout the cycle. Since things may change at every appointment, though, they only give from one appointment to the next. I have from when my injections start on Friday, to my cycle appointment on Tuesday. Five days. Then the next time may only be two days.

One day at a time may become literally my life, and I am so excited.

As nervous as I am about how the meds are going to affect me, I am glad that we are starting. I’ve done all that I know to do to prepare. I’ve been drinking minimally 80 ounces of water, 16 ounces of milk, and 16 ounces of herbal teas every day (Yes, I did read about how much I should be drinking during this). I have a months worth of meals in the freezer. David has had lessons in cleaning and dishes and laundry. I’ve got friends on standby if I need a ride to the doctors. I am just ready to start.