Injections – Day 3 (Mother’s Day)


We are on Day 3 of injections and the tired has officially hit. I literally want to do nothing but sleep.

We are still doing 150u of Follistim in the morning and evening with Dexamethasone in the morning. My stomach is already starting to bruise so putting the needle in is beginning to be painful. Or the hormones are making me more of a pansy, one or the other. We’ve starting icing after the injection, but that is a little hard to do when you slept in (because you’re tired) before work and have to race around to get there in time (which may or may not have happened).

We were planning on doing a brunch for David’s family for Mother’s Day (to help me keep my mind off of it), so I had a massive spread planned. Thankfully, David is good in the kitchen because I was basically worthless during the most of the baking. We got everything done, but I was exhausted. As soon as they left, I laid down and took a nap. While it did help me to feel a little better, it did not cure the tired. At this rate, I’m not sure if it is going to go away. Naps may become necessity for function at this rate.

I usually do not do too well on Mother’s Day because it feels like we’ve been trying to reach that status for so long. There is such disappointment when this holiday comes around. This time, though, it wasn’t quite as difficult. I’m not sure if it is because of the IVF or if it is because I was too tired to care, but either way, I was glad that the day passed without tears. With the headache I’ve been nursing for the past three days, crying sounds extremely painful.

I’m really glad that I only work part time right now with being this tired. I’m pretty sure I can get through half a day before needing to lay down, or I’m hoping anyway!

My first cycle ultrasound is Tuesday (day 5), and I am praying that these symptoms mean this is working!